Woman playing drums
To liberate the voice is to liberate the soul
Jill Purce, the Mystic Spiral
Every Wednesday 17:00 Gland, Switzerland
CHf 35 per session
First session is FREE!
*Private 1 hour session is available for 1 person CHf 120 or for two people CHf 140
To book your private session please specify so in the sign up form
CHf 35 per session
CHf 100 per course (4 sessions)


CHf sign


Rue de Riant-Coteau 7, 1-ère étage, 1196 Gland
location pin


Every Wednesday, 17:00


1 h 15
It is very important to allow ourselves to vibrate with the complexity and the variety of our feelings to be able to open our voice and song to qualities of passion, intensity and enveloping, nourishing warmth.

The voice will help in the process of sustaining such over-whelming feelings by expressing them through the song, thus discovering that emotions have a very precise vibration, quality and place in the belly that reestablish great vitality and drive to our system and therefore to our voice.

Rhythm of the drums will rewire our lives if we let it. We know everybody and everything is connected. Rhythm shows this connection in a very clear way and has been used for thousands of years as a tool for social gatherings, ritual events, and healings. Music is a universal language and with this language, we can reach and touch everybody in the deepest level of our existence.

About voice & Drums

Reasons to Practice

Feel more vital, pulsating and complete
Be in contact with your deepest truth
Tune in to the rhythm of your heart
Live through and accept your emotions
The participant is encouraged to meet and challenge his belief system and to confront his fears by the means of singing. Singing, in fact, is the best means to remove such blocks.

The Benefits of Practice

Singing is a fundamental human need. Since ancient times, people have expressed their deepest feelings with voice. But in modern Western culture, it has become a form of entertainment. We are not even sure that we have the moral right to sing if we do not know how to do it professionally.
Create a unique here and now environment
Improve bodily sensitivity and increase the range and capabilities of our voice.
By "singing" ourselves, we bring pain, anger, fear, joy, or tenderness to the surface.
With the help of voice you can explore the repressed experience hidden in the body.

Course programme

We start with exercises for grounding, to bring ourselves into our bodies. We will enjoy specific sounds for each chakra (energetical centres of the body). We will work with articulation of consonants and how we feel them. Through this, we will own the power of our voice. Simple rhythms of drums help us to enjoy it.
In this second session, we will explore the history, the perception of your own name. We will work with the letters of your name and chant it. Simple rhythms of drums help us to enjoy it.
Exercises for grounding to feel ourselves in our bodies. Heart focused practice. Singing through the heart. Simple rhymes of drums help us to enjoy it.
The participant will rediscover the connection between the inner world and the singing voice. Through specific techniques we reconnect our spontaneity and our natural response to the stimuli of life.
*Please arrive 10 minutes early for every class
Become the emotion through singing. In a soft and playful way we will work with such emotions as love and joy, pain and pleasure, fear and anger. With this we create trust to sing our truth. Simple rhythms of drums help us to enjoy it.
First session
Second session
Fourth session
Third session
Woman playing drums
Starting to engage in body work practices, I started to free my voice from the captivity of rationality. I took classical vocal lessons from the singers of the Latvian National Opera and Swiss teachers. Also studied bodily practice with a technique called “voising” from its inventor Pratibha de Stoppani.

After continuous and regular classical vocal lessons, they gave me the passion to sing, I settled down my voice and discovered its richness and variety but without finding all the answers and the confrontation I was looking for. I found my way and some of these answers, insights, when I met Pratibha de Stoppani and started her training of “voicing”.

While performing and teaching dance, I learned the trance rhythms of different cultures. Rhythms of the drums help the voice overcome bodily blocks and pour out into the world. By tapping a simple hypnotic rhythm on tight deerskin, people create a unique “here and now” environment in which rituals are born that restore people's inner integrity.

Voice & Drums facilitator

Julia Lesnevska

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Julia Lesnevska
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